DROP BAGS (100m, 100k & 50k Only)

Drop Bags – who can use them and where?

Drop bags can ONLY be utilised by the 50k, 100k and 100m runners and can be used at all aid stations. Drop bags are to be a maximum sizing of the supermarket cooler bag sizing only. Anything bigger will not be taken to the aid stations.

Drop bags are to be clearly labelled with your name, bib number and the aid station name they are to be delivered to.

Clothing to be left on the bus and dop gear for finish line?

All runners (regardless of distance) can leave a jumper with the RD that will be at your respective start lines. DO NOT LEAVE IT ON THE BUS as we cannot guarantee that the specific bus will be returning to the finish village.

There will be a designated area at the finish village for you to all leave your bags for a change of clothes in to keep you warm after the race.




